Benefits of IV Hydration

There are many benefits to IV Hydration! In this blog post, we will easily outline these benefits. Read until the end for exclusive U R Royalty Perks and Deals!

1. Fuels Your Body's Cells:

Every cell in your body needs minerals to optimally function. While many people supplement with vitamins and minerals for various reasons, the traditional oral route of nutrient intake involves absorption challenges through the gastrointestinal tract. In contrast, IV hydration offers a direct and efficient path, ensuring vital nutrients reach your cells promptly. By infusing essential vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, our trained clinicians can help you become the healthiest version of yourself safely and effectively. 

Now you may be wondering how the bloodstream is a more effective route for nutrient delivery than the gastrointestinal tract. Here's the answer- when nutrients go through the gastrointestinal tract/digestive process, only a portion of the ingested nutrients are absorbed through the intestines into the bloodstream. However, with IV hydration, nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, so you recieve more of the vital nutrients your body needs.


2. Immediate Rehydration

No need to attempt rehydration through excessive water consumption, which may induce nausea due to a vagal response. We can expedite your rehydration by replenishing the fluids directly to the cells that need it most!


3. Enhances Athletic Performance & Fitness

Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts push their bodies to the limit, depleting crucial nutrients in the process. The continuous demand for vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients is met effectively through IV hydration. This process not only eliminates free radicals and accelerates injury healing but also facilitates protein synthesis, and promotes muscle development. 


4. Improves Immunity

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients aid in the production of immune cells, regulation of the immune responses, and boosting the body's ability to recognize and fight off pathogens. Receiving IV hydration with evidence-based formulations for illness prevention increases your immunity and protects you against harmful bacteria and pathogens. 


5. Improves Skin Condition & Health

Beauty is not just skin deep, the health and hydration of our cells are at the root of our skin success and our skin issues. At U R Royalty we offer customized beauty IV drips to promote skin health and address your skin concerns.


6.  Provides Hangover Relief

Inflammation and irritation in the gut lining hinder quick recoveries from hangovers. Dehydration is also a significant contributor to the discomfort associated with hangovers. When the body lacks proper hydration, especially during hangovers, it exacerbates symptoms such as headache and fatigue. We step in to bypass the "sick" stage, replenishing your body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fluids needed for quick, optimal recovery. 


Perks of Getting IV Hydration at U R Royalty Med Spa:

  • Free wine, snacks, water, and soda
  • Relax & enjoy TV during your service
  • Earn Rewards with each service
  • Serviced by highly-trained nurses and PAs


Download our App for the Best Deals & Offers:

Premium IV Hydrations cost $155 and up, but with through our Hydration Memberships, you can recieve Premium Drips for only $130! In addition, when you become a member, you will recieve up to a 20% discount on ALL services and packages!


Women about to receive filler injections

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Dermal Fillers Now to Look and Feel Your Best


Learn About the Transformative Advantages of Dermal Fillers

At UR Royalty Med Spa, we want to educate and captivate our clients with the numerous benefits of dermal fillers. Our goal is to showcase these advantages in a succinct and captivating way:

1. Temporary Results: While dermal filler results can last for 6-12 months on average, the filler is eventually absorbed by your body. This can be beneficial for first-time patients, those looking for gradual changes, those wanting to test a new look or individuals who prefer non-surgical options.

2. Natural Ingredients: Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in your body that promotes fresh skin cells, new collagen production, and locks in moisture.

3. Non-surgical: Dermal filler injections provide noticeable results without the need for incisions, stitches, anesthesia, or recovery time associated with surgery.

4. Subtle & Gradual: Our expert injectors ensure natural-looking results by using minimal products, allowing for beautiful transformations. Clients can choose the level of change they desire and build it up over time with the guidance of a qualified medical professional.

5. Fast & Convenient: Dermal filler treatments are typically fast, taking under 30 minutes for most areas. You can resume your daily activities immediately after treatment, as there is no downtime to worry about. Mild swelling or temporary bruising may occur depending on the treatment area.

Discover the transformative benefits of dermal fillers at UR Royalty Med Spa. Let us help you achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance with our safe and effective treatments.

Schedule Your Consultation 

At UR Royalty Med Spa each filler product we carry addresses different aesthetic issues, which means we can customize a treatment just for you.

Come see the many benefits of dermal filler for yourself and find a look you love again. We welcome you to contact us online or call 832-674-8797 today. 

Navigating the World of Botox - What to Expect Before, During, and After Treatment at UR ROYALTY MED SPA

Before Botox Treatment:

To ensure a seamless, comfortable, and transformative experience, we provide a clear roadmap for your Botox treatment. Before your appointment, make sure to:

1. Communicate openly with your doctor about your medical history and desired results.

2. Disclose any recent Botox injections in the past 4 months.

3. Mention if you've had recent surgery, breast augmentation, or any other cosmetic procedures.

4. Inform your doctor if you are taking muscle relaxants, allergy medications, sleeping aids, or prescription blood thinners.

During Botox Treatment:

During the treatment, you can expect the following steps:

1. The areas to be treated will be thoroughly cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

2. To ensure comfort, a topical anesthetic cream, ice, or vibration may be used to numb the treatment areas.

3. Using a fine needle, your plastic surgeon will carefully inject small amounts of Botox in a specific pattern.

4. Typically, there will be 4-5 injections in the forehead and 2-3 injections around each eye.

5. Pressure may be applied to the injection sites to minimize bleeding and bruising.

6. You will remain awake throughout the process, usually lying upright on the exam table for a short period.

After Botox Procedure:

To ensure a quick recovery and achieve the best possible results, follow these recommendations for aftercare:

1. Avoid lying down for 3-4 hours after the treatment.

2. Stay away from pools, hot tubs, or saunas for the rest of the day.

3. Refrain from strenuous activity for the next several days.

4. Take acetaminophen for any discomfort. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or similar painkillers to minimize bruising.

5. Practice facial movements like smiling, frowning, raising your eyebrows, and squinting to work your facial muscles.

6. Wait at least 24 hours before having a facial, touching, rubbing, or massaging the treated areas.

7. Mild bruising may occur but should subside within approximately one week.

Follow-Up Care and Long-Term Results:

Remember that the full effects of Botox may take 3-7 days to become apparent and will be complete after about two weeks. To track your progress, we recommend taking photos just before and immediately after treatment.

Throughout the weeks following your procedure, keep in mind:

1. Any small marks or bumps will disappear within a few hours after treatment.

2. Mild and temporary bruising is possible but should fade away soon.

Our goal is to guide and reassure our clients throughout the entire Botox process, ensuring a demystified journey for a seamless, comfortable, and transformative experience. Book your appointment at UR Royalty Med Spa where our experienced experts will help you achieve a refreshed and youthful appearance. Contact us today at 832-674-8797

Get Fuller, Perky Lips: Discover the Top 5 Benefits of Lip Fillers at UR Royalty MED SPA

Are thin lips getting you down? Look no further than lip fillers to add volume, structure, and shape for a more youthful appearance. Whether you were born with thin lips or they're thinning due to aging, lip fillers offer an affordable and safe non-surgical solution. Forget about more invasive options like dermal fillers, lip implants, or lip lifts. Here's why lip fillers are the way to go:

1. Enhanced Appearance: Say hello to fuller lips, a surefire way to boost your confidence. With lip fillers, you can achieve a more youthful look that will make you feel amazing in both professional and social situations. Forget about temporary fixes – lip fillers provide long-lasting results.

2. Natural Fullness: Using products like Juvederm® lip fillers, you can achieve a natural look. These fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally produced by your body. No worries about bruising – these natural fillers are absorbed by your body, maintaining the plumpness of your lips for approximately six months.

3. Gradual Progression: Are you unsure about the desired plumpness for your lips? No problem. With lip fillers, you can gradually build up the volume through several appointments. This way, you can adjust your lips to your liking without the discomfort of a sudden change.

4. Safe and Side-Effect Free: Allergic reactions and side-effects are extremely rare with hyaluronic acid fillers. During your initial consultation, make sure to discuss any allergies or medications you're currently taking to ensure the proper filler is chosen. If needed, a small test injection can be done to check for any adverse reactions.

5. Fast Recovery: Lip filler procedures are quick and easy. In just 15 minutes or less, you'll be in and out, ready to resume your normal activities by the next day. With the significant impact lip fillers can have on your appearance and self-esteem, why choose any other cosmetic surgery option?

Don't wait any longer to get the luscious lips you've always wanted. Visit UR Royalty MED SPA and experience the transformative benefits of lip fillers.  We welcome you to contact us online or call 832-674-8797 today. 

Unlock a More Youthful You with Natural Looking Dermal Fillers at UR ROYALTY MED SPA

We all strive for the perfect look, but sometimes our natural beauty just needs a little enhancement to truly shine. At UR Royalty Med Spa, we offer dermal fillers as a solution to enhance your natural beauty. Dermal fillers are an injectable treatment composed of a smooth gel substance that contains hyaluronic acid—a substance naturally produced by the body. By injecting this substance into different areas of the face, such as the cheeks, lips, or under-eye area, dermal fillers can help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, restore volume lost due to aging, and create a more youthful appearance. So whether you're looking for a plumper pout or a more defined jawline, dermal fillers might just be your answer to achieving your desired look.

How Do Dermal Fillers Enhance My Features?

At UR Royalty Med Spa, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your own skin. That's why we offer dermal fillers to enhance your natural beauty. But you may be wondering, how exactly do these fillers work to bring out my best features? Well, essentially, dermal fillers are injectable gels that are carefully placed into targeted areas of your face to add volume, smooth out wrinkles, and correct asymmetry. By doing so, they draw attention to your strongest features, like your cheekbones or lips, and create a more balanced, youthful appearance overall. So if you're looking for a safe and effective way to enhance your natural beauty, book a consultation with our experienced team atUR Royalty Med Spa today. We can't wait to help you look and feel your best!

Schedule Your Consultation 

Call us at  832-674-8797 today and click this link to schedule your appointment
